Beyonce - Sweet Dreams
June 2nd 2009

Pose and Face Expression
Beyonce's Pose alone is very animalistic and ferrel. She is crouching down and taking up the whole space of the CD Cover. It is almost like she is a trapped wild animal.
Beyonce's Face expression is very confrontational and aggressive as she seems to be wanting to start a fight.
The colours used in the CD Cover emphasises a dark atmosphere, whereas the title suggests a more warm atmosphere of "Sweet Dreams". The blackness of the CD Cover carries connotations of having a nightmare and this juxstaposes against the connotations of "Sweet Dreams", where this would normally be said to a child before bed time.
Font Style
The font style of the tite of the CD "Sweet Dreams" almost suggests luxury with the colour of the font being gold. And from afar the font almost looks like someone has hand written it in a nice handwriting style, however when analysed closer it is clear to see that the edges of the words are jagged and almost knife life. This portrays the darker and sinister meaning behind the words "Sweet Dreams".
The lighting is very limited and doesn't allow the viewer to see much of what is happening around Beyonce. Also not all of Beyonce's body is visible as some are darkened by shadows. This reinforces the connotation of this being a nightmare.
Beyonce's Costume is very limited as her legs and arms arre on full show. However, her costume of what seems to be black leather re-illiterates the rebel side of Beyonce and illustrating that she doesn't abide by society's rules.
Cheryl Cole - 3 Words
23rd October 2009

Colour Scheme
The colour scheme for Cheryl Cole's Album Cover is of greys, whites and blacks. This colours combined carry the suggests of something vintage. However, it is also fair to say that the soft grey and white could be illustrating Cheryl's innocence in the CD Cover.
The air of "vintage-ness" is also emphasised by the background of the CD Cover as it is like a Victorian painting as you can see the detailed brush strokes in the background.
Cheryl Cole looks flawless her image on the CD cover. This can be due to the front lighting on Cheryl. This can mean that Cheryl is seen as part of a painting and suggests Cheryl's oil painting beauty as she is the main concentration of the painting.
The Victorian atmosphere is not only given by the oil painting feel of the paint brush strokes in the background, but also through her headress that Cheryl is wearing. The flowers in her hat and the netting that conceals her face is from the Victorian fashion that would have been.
Cheryl Cole is also naked in this image but is concealed of her modesty as only the back of her shoulder is seen in a mid shot. Because she is naked, it puts her at a vulnerable position as there is nothing to cover and protext her, i.e. clothing.
Font Style
The font that the title of the album and the artist name is written in is almost like a tattoo on Cheryl's shoulder/back which can suggest the commitment that she has as a tattoo is for forever and can not be removed easily.
The font style of the title of the album and the artist is almost as if it is of the handwriting of an old Victorian with all the curves in the letters. It reminds me of when a famous painter signs their own work in a classical way. This reinforces the fact that the actual CD Cover and Cheryl are an oil painting of some kind.
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