Hypordermic Syringe Theory

This theory is all about the media affecting the audiece directly as to what their opinions and beliefs are about particular subjects. It has the metophoric image of the "Hypodermic Syringe" pumping the ideas into the audiences mind and body. Sometimes the media does not have a direct influence to the audience but a subtle one meaning that the audience may not know that the media has influenced them in such a way. An example of the Hypodermic Syringe Theory in place is the 9/11 Twin Tower Crash in America and how that was portrayed in the news. After all the media coverage on this story, a lot of people's opinions on those who follow the Islam belief have become negative and stereotypical.
Two Step Flow Theory

The Two Step Flow Theory is about where the audiences choose their media intake through what the "opinion leaders" pick and choose. The "Opinion Leaders" are those people who are very opinionated about their surroundings and their views influence those who are arround them just like followers. It can also be seen as a cycle as the Opinion Leader consumes the media, passes their opinion onto their "followers" which then feed back to the media again and the cycle starts again. An example of this is when a famous influencial icon in the media such as Simon Cowell gives their view on a particular issue, his view may change how other people see the same issue and may reinforce Simon's view.
Uses and Gratification Theory

This theory states that audiences are not passive and are able to be active and pick their own media to consume and to provide their own opinions about that particular issue. These theories can be split into Diversion, Personal Relationships, Surveillance and Personal Identity. Diversion is escaping reality through fiction or the media. Personal Relationship is making that bond with people in the media or characters. Surviellance is talking about the political and social issues that can be local or worldwide. And Personal Identity is about having that personal connection with something that makes the person who you are today.
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